From Box To Range
Watch our 2 minute tutorial on making sure your Kavooa Pro is ready for practice.
Co-founder and Creator Dylan Horowitz will walk you through set-up with ease.
Level the sticks to be even with your head level (from 15-to-65 inches). This helps keep your head stable and in line with your spine, which helps eliminate swaying and promotes more consistent contact.
An over-the-top swing can cause inconsistent contact and ball flight. Set the Kavooa Pro behind you for a guide to swinging on the correct path.
To minimize hip sway, set up Kavooa Pro at hip level — right behind your stance — and stay inside of the sticks as you swing. This allows you to rotate properly and smash the ball with pure contact.
Kavooa Pro’s alignment sticks can be pushed together or apart, so that you can practice swinging between them on a neutral swing plane (not too much from the inside, or outside).
Setting up Kavooa Pro’s alignment sticks just below hip height allows you to reinforce the proper top-of-the-swing position and backswing length while eliminating excessive arm and hand rotation.
This drill helps you maintain forward shaft lean, take a good divot, and create consistently powerful contact.
This drill lets you establish an eye line, for instant feedback and visualization of the proper straight-back-and-through stroke.